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Happy Holidays from the Churms

Aaahhhhh. Hear that? That's the sound of no-students, the sound of final grades being deposited in a bank of computer...

Settling Down for a Long Winter's Nap

A few highlights of the Christmas preparation season: The Girl's Christmas pageant at her preschool. She attends a preschool at...

'To Gather From the Air a Live Tradition'

At three in the afternoon on Christmas Eve, the voice of a lone chorister will rise from a small college...

Hammer Time

I suppose this was inevitable. The unholy convergence of unaccountable tenure decisions; the up-or-out nature of tenure; anti-discrimination clauses; and...

Coming Clean on College Costs

Private colleges should put their numbers on the table to show that they are as affordable as their public university peers, Thomas Kepple writes.

The John or Paul Project

My sincere thanks to all of you who responded to my Funky Easy 1-Question (Okay, 2) Sociological Survey. You people...

Studying the Inhumanities

A new collection documents the American policy of cruel and inhumane "non-torture." Scott McLemee takes a look.

Ad Hoc Extra Credit

No. Oh God, no. No, no, no. Nein. Nyet. Non. Huh-uh. Negative. I'll qualify that. Extra credit that's built into...