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Aren't Blog Post Titles Tiresome?

Especially when the posting is just a couple of links to fun videos? The videos in this case represent a...

'The Great Debaters': A Challenge to Higher Education

“The banquet of my Wiley years was the tutelage of Tolson.”-- James Farmer, Lay Bare the Heart Over the holidays...

Ask the Administrator: Background Checks

A new correspondent, currently on the administrative job market, writes: To what extent is my candidacy for administrative positions hindered...

A Crossroads for the Fighting Irish (and Their Peers)

It’s getting steadily harder for academically competitive universities to play big-time football without compromising themselves. Allen Sack suggests a new approach.

Ask the Administrator: Contemplating the Jump

An occasional correspondent writes: I have an interview for a job. It will be a big change for me if...

Canadian Conscientious Objectors

More NCAA commentary, as UD prepares for her trip to the organization's annual convention, this from a Canadian writer who...

"Washing Your Dad Down in My Shower."

As UD prepares to go to Nashville to blog the annual meeting of the NCAA for Inside Higher Ed (her...

What's Ahead on Student Loans in 2008

After a year in which it dominated the headlines, the student loan “scandal” has lost its head of steam. New...