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The Boy, Master Communicator

Last night, in the car, just after I picked up The Boy at CCD on my way home from work...

The Movie Industry's 200% Error

A week ago today, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) issued what had to be a hugely embarrassing news...

The Election Challenge for Campuses

Student interest in the campaigns creates an opportunity for colleges to encourage a level of engagement and learning that can last longer than November, writes Susan Herbst.

Ask the Administrator: The Case of the Slippery Stipend

A nervous correspondent writes: I am a regular reader and occasional pseudonymous poster, and am faced with an ethical dilemma...

Ask the Administrator: Ways to Fund Departments

A new and very perceptive correspondent writes: I'm a long-time lurker, writing now in hopes you and your readers can...

Little Offerings

One of the oddest things about being a homeowner in a university town is the stuff that gets left in...

An American College President in Egypt -- With 32 Students

As a professor, Rob Oden led many study trips. He considers why he is doing so now, from a different vantage point.

Ask the Administrator: Job Searches and Confidentiality, Part XXXVII

A de-lurking correspondent writes: I'm in my second year of full-time faculty teaching at a small CC. I have a...