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Satire as Racial Backlash Against Asian Americans

Sharon S. Lee writes that recent student newspaper controversies point to larger issues about the way groups interact and are defined on campuses.

DD, Roving Reporter

This weekend, TW and I are flying out to Denver, where I'll be attending and blogging the League for Innovation...

Getting winded

Two news items crossed my desk on Monday, and they’re somewhat related. First, Babson College is going to install a...

Ask the Administrator: Suggestions for Research?

A canny correspondent writes: I work for a community college system and am working on an Ed.D. in leadership. I...

Bookshelf and Self

Are there rules for what titles you are permitted to keep on your shelves? Scott McLemee thinks it's all rule of thumb.

Guest Post: B.R. Cohen

Today, my friend Ben Cohen helps us mind the gap. Ben is an environmental studies scholar who teaches Science, Technology...

Internet Dreams

Please click through to read a brief plan, by my McSweeney's editor and pal John Warner, to rage against the...

Fulfilling the Promise of Open Content

Higher education has progressed in making educational materials freely available over the Internet, but technical challenges -- and, perhaps more stubbornly, cultural resistance -- must still be overcome, says Lisa Petrides.