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The Fantasy of Clarity

My cc is dealing with a statewide initiative that may or may not succeed at its intended goals. It's fairly...

Faculty Members Should Learn to Dance

Alan Groveman wants professors to be a little less quick to criticize their students' various inabilities.

Not in the USA (?)

I recently had the opportunity to suggest a marketing/promotional give-away item for use by our engineering department. The idea was...

Ask the Administrator: Philosophy and Finance

A new correspondent writes: I'm currently a student at a California State University. I'm working towards a double major in...

Content Control -- This Time From Friends

College leaders opposed federal efforts to dictate student learning measures. They should do the same, Bernard Fryshman writes, to efforts by some higher education groups to specify content.

Denver Nuggets

Okay, so I recently mentioned a distaste for bullet points, and I'm breaking my own rule here. Point granted. A...

The Whole World Was Watching

A new film takes an almost hallucinatory look at the protests in Chicago in 1968. Scott McLemee trips into its black holes.

Liveblogging the League, Part V: Solving the Wrong Problem

Sometimes geography is destiny. I attended a presentation this morning by a team from North Dakota. Several of the top...