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Publishing: Now for the Masses

Of course printed books have been widely available to the masses since the 19th century, when new technologies in paper...

Ask the Administrator: CC Job Interviews

Several readers this week have asked variations on the same question. 'Tis the season, I guess. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earlier this year...

Modest Proposal #3 - Count miles

Tis Spring, and an old(er) man’s fancy turns to thoughts of ... possible policy changes for the coming academic year...

Shaping a Life of the Mind for Practice

William M. Sullivan and Matthew S. Rosin call for a new approach to thinking about the curriculum.

In Search of Max Faber

A polemical book takes aim at African-American public intellectuals. Scott McLemee represents....

Measures and Rewards

One of the recurrent themes at the AACC panels was the difficulty in measuring the relative success of a community...

Modest Proposal #2 - Count pages

‘Tis Spring, and an old(er) man’s fancy turns to thoughts of ... possible policy changes for the coming academic year...

Better Living Through Consciousness: Why You Should Take Your College Education Seriously

(The rather lengthy post below is a paper UD gave a couple of nights ago to the undergraduate Philosophy Club...