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The Girl at Play

I'll admit it: I want contradictory things for The Girl. I want her to grow up to be a strong...

The Equity Gap in State Funding

Kevin Carey wonders why K-12 financing systems that favor wealthier districts end up in court, but higher education financing systems aren't subjected to similar scrutiny.

Where the Grapes of Wrath Are Stored

Or so the sign implies: And as long as you're in the martial spirit, here's one of my short stories...

Modest proposal #5 - Exclude exhaust

'Tis Spring, and an old(er) man's fancy turns to thoughts of ... possible policy changes for the coming academic year...

Crafting a New Credo

David Galef recounts the U of All People's imperfect attempt to update its institutional principles after 50 years of gathering dust.

Ask the Administrator: Professional Development in the Sticks

Right now I'm in the midst of an unbloggable circus, so letters are especially welcome. An earnest correspondent in the...

Modest proposal #4 - Ban the box

Tis Spring, and an old(er) man’s fancy turns to thoughts of ... possible policy changes for the coming academic year...

Higher Ed's Changing Economic Landscape

Recent decisions by a number of our major private institutions are changing the higher education financial landscape significantly and quickly...