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A poem by Laurence Musgrove, whose campus was shut down for the start of the week because of a threat.

French Theory

A forthcoming book takes a fresh perspective on how poststructuralism conquered America. Scott McLemee checks it out.

Publishing: Now for the Masses 2

Print on Demand (POD) books have been around for several years, but their production quality wasn’t good, since they’re not...

Science Fairs and School Boards

My local school board continues to impress me. Last night the gym at TB's school was partitioned right down the...

Modest proposal #7 - Conscientious computing

One of the biggest causes of increased electrical usage -- and so, increased greenhouse gas emissions -- on campus is...

A Different Way to Fight Student Disengagement

Colleges need to change the curriculum and the way they define educational goals, writes Donald W. Harward.

Adjuncts and Accreditation

This article in IHE is one of those peel-the-onion pieces in which the more you think about it, the more...

Modest proposal #6 - Better bureaucracy

OK, enough of the fancy in springtime schtick. Proposals #2 and #3, and a couple which have yet to forthcome...