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An Introduction

It gives us great pleasure to launch the Mama, PhD blog here on Inside Higher Ed! Mama, PhD is a...

What Josh Birnbaum Knows

Another of the benefits of revealing my real name and location is the ability to profile remarkable people I’ve met...

Freecycle it

One of the mantras of the sustainability movement is "reduce, reuse, recycle." The three options are stated in order of...

The Next Market Bubble: Student Loans?

As the economy reels from the housing crisis, lawmakers should act now to ensure that higher education is not next, Richard Vedder and Andrew Gillen argue.

Spending Per Student

There's a provocative piece in yesterday's IHE about a study on per-student spending at various levels of higher ed, and...

Death of a Mentor

Only yesterday did I hear of the death, last September, of Professor Emeritus James J. McNiece, Jr., of Northern Illinois...

Modest proposal #11 - Take the day off

Let's say you live some distance from campus, not near any other employees who work a schedule similar to yours...

Sharing the Wealth

While opposing the push to regulate endowment spending, Sharon Herzberger writes that institutions of means could make more of a difference for low-income students beyond their own campuses.