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Demise of a Good Idea

College lobbyists cited privacy issues to kill off "unit records," writes Kevin Carey, even as they use a similar system for their own purposes.

Compromise and Precedent

Money shortages create all manner of frictions. Say you have a large group that believes, with varying levels of truth...


Let me combine two university-related subjects I've been promising to write about -- online courses, which I've called the poor...

What David Bowen Knows

As I wrote in a couple of earlier posts ( here and here), I’ve long had an interest in independent...

ABCs and PhDs: It's the Journey not the Destination

Each year some 57,000 newly awarded PhD’s enter the job market – way too many for all to find positions...

Sex: The Revolution

Are cable TV writers cribbing from Foucault? Not exactly. But Scott McLemee is keeping an eye on them anyway.

Another Kind of Resource

This semester, I think my cc has set a new internal record for public presentations. We've been staging talks on...

A cool (actually, warm) map

This interactive map showing current (not projected) global warming impact requires that you have Google Earth installed, but you probably...