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Drama Mama: Complexity

Wikipedia states: In general usage, complexity often tends to be used to characterize something with many parts in intricate arrangement...

Ask My Readers: Composition and Rhetoric Programs

A new correspondent writes: I graduated from (Elite SLAC) two years ago as an English major with a concentration in...


How do we get American students out of the basement of the ivory tower? You remember the recent Atlantic magazine...

Big Jerk-Head

Several of the events at the lit festival I went to last weekend convened in a narrow room above a...

A convenient falsehood (?)

This morning's newspaper features an Associated Press article about a Brookings Institution ranking of the 100 largest US cities, based...

Let's Do the Time Warp Again

Reason #456 we need to hire the next generation of administrators, from an actual conversation I had this week with...

Math Mom: Fitting In

Let me clear up any misconception. I am a tenured faculty member at a celebrated liberal arts institution who will...

Of Mentors and Intellectuals

A recent loss reminds Rob Weir of the importance of looking for ideas in unorthodox places.