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Where Graduates are Grandmothers

Community college graduation rates may seem low, but Wick Sloane looks at the stories behind the graduates themselves.

Books Exposed

What are the potential crossover books from university presses in the fall? Scott McLemee begins the survey...

ABC's and PhD's: One long experiment

Before our first child was born we prepared to be parents in ways that academics always prepare for big projects...

The Class Must Go On

Every so often I read or hear about something so obvious, and so brilliant, that I actually get mad at...

Follow the money

So, the Warner-Lieberman bill is finally getting to the Senate floor, and (after managing to ignore it for the entire...

The Recursive Self

As I said a few days ago, my acquaintance Crazy Larry and I went recently to Abbey Road on the...

'Doctor of Humane Lettuce'

Many years ago, I was at a New York Philharmonic concert with my husband. Isaac Stern was performing, and given...

Citibank to CC's: Drop Dead

Several alert readers sent me links to this article from the New York Times. Apparently, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, and...