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The Ineffability of Happiness

Is happiness the phylum in the kingdom of hope? It’s a little hard to tell, since the subspecies of happy...

Professor Meets Gun

Today, UD visits the National Rifle Association. She'll talk to a woman who works there, visit the museum, take a...

Drama Mama: Wolves

Kids are mean in elementary school. They are mean in college. When I first began teaching I befriended many students...

What's Missing From 'Open' Courses

I've been thinking a lot about death lately. Don't worry—I'm not clinically depressed or gravely ill. None of my pets...

Substance, and staffness

So, given my evolving understanding of issues of scale, have I lost sight of what Graham Cliff calls "the substance...

From the Departments

From the 'Signs of Hope' department: apparently, the top-selling vehicles in America for the last fifteen years have been trucks...

What FERPA Assumes

As a card-carrying administrator, I loves me some FERPA. FERPA is the privacy law that forbids us from discussing an...

Math Mom: June

June. Not the month bookended by May and July but a small, strong woman who runs marathons to raise money...