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Styron's Havanas in Camelot

Wednesday would have been the 83rd birthday of William Styron, author of Sophie’s Choice, The Confessions of Nat Turner, and...

Blasphemous Bliss

In a world where ignorance is bliss, 'tis foolish to be wise. That saying's probably been around for a long...

Fridays and Footprints

With gas around four dollars a gallon, the seventies-era idea of colleges closing on Fridays to reduce travel is making...

Staying Smart in Dumbed-Down Times

Judith Shapiro considers the state of anti-intellectualism and the responsibility of the educated to counter it.

Drama Mama: New Home

In exactly two hours I am buying my first house as a single mom. I am not a first time...

Math Mom: Summer Nights

Sweaty eleven-year-old boys with freckles across their noses, Little League baseball games and ice cream in waffle cones mean the...

Valuing Veterans

As campuses begin to experience an influx of former military service members, an innovative program offers a blueprint for helping them make the transition and succeed in college, writes Rose Sachs.

As The Boy Turns

Without so much as warning me, The Boy has started to move from small child to proto-tween. Yes, I'm biased...