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Ask the Administrator: Recognizing Staff

A returning correspondent writes: The vice president who oversees the majority of support staff at my SLAC is constructing a...

Today, Harvard. Tomorrow ... ?

The Senate Finance Committee's interest in how Harvard spends its billions has troubling implications that extend to everyone in the nonprofit sector, warns Bernard Fryshman.

Math Mom: Success?

Last Friday, an impromptu conversation in the mailroom at my University jolted my pulse into my aerobic zone. I might...

ABC's and PhD's: Creating Programs for Local Elementary Schools

Non-traditional academics have many skills different from the general population of "parent volunteers" at an elementary school. This provides a...

Water or not

Water is energy. Not literally, of course (the square of the speed of light notwithstanding), but practically. Naturally moving water...

My (Imaginary) Publishing Empire Expands

In my mind, I’m already a mogul. (I’d dress like one, but I can’t afford it.) That’s because in a...

Books Exposed, Part Two

Scott McLemee continues his preview of the publishing season ahead.

CC's as Replacements?

According to this article in IHE, the state of Florida is trying to get its community colleges to offer the...