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Baseball, 'Bull Durham' and the Classroom

My classes have come to a close for another year while professional baseball is finding its summer stride. I have...

Drama Mama: Product, parenting and paranoia

Recently I’ve been reading news reports on studies that link autism with multiple immunizations administered on the same day. This...

Full of hot air

I want to be Alexander Lee when I grow up. Lee is the Executive Director of Project Laundry List, an...

Thinking Like an Entrepreneur

Creators of online academic resources have to change their mindset and behavior if they want to build sustainable projects in today’s rapidly changing environment, Kevin Guthrie writes.

Math Mom: Sun, sand, water…and mathematics

For most Americans, the months of June, July and August tend to conjure up images of sun, sand and water...

Systems and Silos

This article had me laughing, smiling wistfully, and pulling what little hair I still have. It's frustratingly true. The article...

Writing Workshop as Garden of Forking Paths

Responding to yet another kerfluffle over whether writing workshops are good or evil, good friend of The Education of Oronte...

Ask My Readers: Expat Positions

I have no idea how to answer this one, but I'm curious, so anyone with knowledge is invited to comment...