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Have We Given Up on the Idea of Earth?

We live with constant news of environmental catastrophe and possible, probable and certain extinctions, including humankind’s. Granted, the reports are...

Assault on battery

A recent post on Gristmill spoke to Volkswagen's increasing investment in hybrid cars, and the industry trend towards less internal...

Math Mom: Stillness

"I was holding a yoga pose." That is the reason my eight-year-old son gave me one spring day when I...

Faculty Meeting Theater

The Yakker, the Regurgitator, the Snoozer -- do you recognize yourself (or a colleague?) in Al Campbell's review of those timeless campus productions?

Keeping the Donors and Their Heirs Happy

The act of matching donor wishes to institutional needs through philanthropic gift agreements is something of an art. Donors usually...

ABCs and PhDs: My Cohort

I started graduate school 18 years ago in September. I came into the program as one in a cohort of...

Digital Daze

University presses gathered in Montreal last week to discuss the future. Scott McLemee comes back with a report.


I was out of town over the weekend, getting to know the newest member of the Rendell clan. My new...