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Drama Mama: A little more time to grow

Family. One of’s definitions of family reads: a group of people who may be blood relations who share common...

This Just in From Plato

Advice for novelists, essayists, and poets everywhere from Plato, by way of our mutual writer friend Marcus Aurelius: …he who...

LEED, follow, or get ...

I don't think this falls into the category of "reflection", but one thing strikes me as a result of information...

Reality Check

Sorry men, writes Mary Hatcher-Skeers, the gender equity problem in science has not been solved.

Ask the Administrator: Tracking Doctoral Grads

An occasional correspondent writes: Recently, I've been thinking about applying to some PhD programs. As part of my research, I'm...

The Final Six Months

Revamp the financial aid system? Robert Shireman says the Education Department might focus its energy in its last days on a less-ambitious but helpful goal: better URLs for its Web sites.

Ask the Administrator: The Case of the Phantom Policy

A Californian correspondent writes: I work at a California community college in two different positions. I hold a permanent 75%...

Motherhood After Tenure: Location, Location, Location

Summers in Green Bay, Wisconsin are a magical time, especially if you have small children. My four year old daughter...