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My Meeting With Bill and Melinda Gates

Wick Sloane offers guidance on the Gates Foundation’s bold plan for doubling the number of low-income Americans with postsecondary credentials.

Ask the Administrator: Deletes for Non-Payment

A returning correspondent writes: I have a "student as consumer" question for your blog. Our students have been able to...

An Introduction

Hello, IHE readers! I am your new guru for all questions about motherhood, academia, or anything you want to know...

The Innumeracy of Intellectuals

Why is it acceptable for professors outside the sciences to feel no shame or even to take pride in their lack of knowledge of math and science, wonders Chad Orzel.

Guts to spare, bucks to save

Reporter Jack Stripling has an article on green computing in today's edition. I don't know Jack. It's a pretty good...

Homework for Profs: Perfect the Art of Teaching

Even at teaching-oriented colleges, writes Kim Mooney, it's essential for faculty members to rejuvenate their classroom skills.

My New Website

Never let it be said that Oronte Churm isn’t hip to what’s goin’ down in the scene. You think I...

Ask the Administrator: President's Interviews

A regular correspondent writes: Like most places, our screening committees don't hire. They send a list of three candidates (unranked...