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For Enervated Scholars

Our friend Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin says there are three kinds of exhaustion: “Exhaustion caused by muscular fatigue, exhaustion caused by...

MOTHERHOOD AFTER TENURE: Parenting a department

Yesterday I met with the new chair of my department to tie up loose ends, hand over some paperwork, and...

The Safety School Shuffle

With classes starting any minute now – I can see the dorsal fin in the water – the folks in...

On 'Real Education' - II

Bell Curve author Charles Murray takes direct aim at higher education in his new book Real Education by asserting that...

On 'Real Education' - I

With the enactment of a new GI Bill, the time has come to once again recall former University of Chicago...

Inside information #3 - A detour about dark

When I think about information, I usually think about it at rest. Kind of like, when I think about water...

A New Dispatch About Going Wild, Productively

I have a new dispatch up at McSweeney's today, in which I prove myself to be the monster that so...

Cogito Interruptus

Texting and instant messaging are the wave of the future? Scott McLemee is just too ecstatic.