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Why Doesn't Plagiarism Matter?

As David Horowitz would be quick to remind you, academics tend to skew to the left in their political outlook...

Dittos and Ditching Darkrooms for Digital

Readers of a certain age (ahem) will remember dittos. Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and photocopying was still considered...

Mothering at Mid-Career: The pseudonymous parent

I read a piece in the Chronicle last week about being a parent and an adjunct. Maybe you saw it...

Inside information #4 - Thumbs on scales

OK, so it's badly written, and the key section (at least from my perspective) is entirely ungrammatical, but McPaper recently...

Teaching Abroad With Obama

Helen Solterer, with Jean Delabroy, considers how one of the presidential candidate's speeches was used by a French university.

The Beginnings of Self-Awareness

We're trying to raise The Girl to be a strong and independent woman, which, given her lineage, is a bit...

Drama Mama: Everything's Under Control

I’ve just had two weeks of faculty orientation activities and I am so tired I can’t see straight. Between the...

Expanding Student Choices in Study Abroad

In a global academic market, colleges should shed their protectionist policies on transfer of credit, writes Richard C. Sutton.