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Career Coach: A Question No One's Asked

Okay, first up, people, ASK ME QUESTIONS. I'm kind of bad about remembering to write this column on Friday, which...

The Worst Academic Careers -- Worldwide

Philip G. Altbach and Christine Musselin wonder if things are getting so bad that a new kind of ranking is called for.

Border skirmishes

One of the decisions each campus has to make, early in the process of doing a greenhouse gas inventory, is...


I'm sitting on Leslie Whittington's bench. Born 1955. You can only follow one or two stories, and of course UD...

Drama Mama: Inconsistent

“Take a stand!” I urged a freshman in a conference during office hours just this morning. “Your paper is wishy-washy...

Of Teaching Melville on 9/12

The fall semester was only two weeks old, and we’d already worked through Irving, Hawthorne, and Poe. But my students...

'Call Me Phil'

I’m Phil Dolly, Ed. D. Recently resigned, or deposed, community college president. Yesterday I was the CEO at North East...

Thoughts on San Antonio

This story in IHE is somehow both shocking and unsurprising. Apparently, San Antonio College has a policy stating that anybody...