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Clueless in Seattle

An alert reader sent me this story from the Seattle Times. It's about the hiring and abrupt firing, with allegations...

Promoting the Culture of Teaching

When graduate students plot their careers and graduate programs train these students, it's time to broaden the conversation, writes Sean P. Murphy.

"Find the Money in the Budget"

If you want to watch a dean's eyes roll back into her head, just ask for something and tell her...

Performing to Make Money-Making Money to Perform

In the endless Sisyphean task of explaining university finances to many audiences, we often encounter considerable skepticism about our permanent...

Sustainability work #6 - Plotting the course

First, a word of clarification about the title. "Plotting the course" was a phrase that first popped into my alleged...

Drama Mama: One for the road

Drama Mama is officially leaving the building. This is my last post for Mama PhD. Just so you know it’s...

Literary Publishing: Inefficient or Inhumane?

I know: I’m the one who chose to write, and to complain about the problems inherent in one’s own choices...

The University's 'Mad Men'

“A brand that captures your mind gains behavior. A brand that captures your heart gains commitment.' -- Scott Talgo, Brand...