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Is This How Historians Feel All the Time?

Teachers, who age while the students in their classes do not, are big on noting time’s passage. Most often this...

Fear and Humiliation as Legitimate Teaching Methods

His anthropology research leaves Alex Golub with an uncomfortable conclusion: Sometimes a "sink or swim" pedagogy makes sense.

Ask the Administrator: An Interview Curveball

A new correspondent writes: I'm currently an adjunct ESL teacher, and I just interviewed for a full-time position in my...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Mentoring and Mothering

Six years ago I wrote an essay I called "Mama Mentor."* In it I talked about mentoring a former student...

I Swear I Am a Patriot

Academics should be paying close attention to the political debates about loyalty to the United States, writes Milton Greenberg.

Career Coach: Do I Dare to Try to Reach?

just ran across your blog today and it immediately caught my attention. I think you may be able to offer...

Monday Musings

Things have been a little doom-and-gloomy of late on the blog, so it's time to lighten up a bit. A...

Do I Dare to Try to Reach

just ran across your blog today and it immediately caught my attention. I think you may be able to offer some valuable advice. I am 29 with two children (2 ½ and 14 months), a full-time job (though only 9 months), and an MS degree. However, the thought of a PhD keeps creeping back into my radar and there is a program in the local area. I have been out in the workforce for 5 years, but I am at a small, private university. There's probably more to the story, but I guess I'm wondering if it's possible to manage a PhD workload with two children. Obviously, I'd be giving up my position, but I feel like I've reached as far as I can with only a Master's. And what do I love? Teaching. Currently, my job is more administrative, an endless list of committees, and working with students on an individual basis. I'm just looking for advice from someone who's been there, done that, and is now at the other end. Thoughts? Kristi A. from Michigan I'm going to assume that you're married and that, with two kids and a theoretically employed husband, you're not too mobile? In which case my first question is going to be, have you applied for teaching jobs at community colleges? Because at least on paper, you're qualified to teach at a cc, and you could do that immediately, without five more years of education.