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Saying Farewell to a Man of Letters

The late John Leonard was a one-man cultural-studies symposium. Scott McLemee reminisces...

A Promising First Novel

TB, who is in second grade, wrote his first novel yesterday. With names changed, and sans the distinctive illustrations, an...

Stuck on Student Learning

As Measuring Up 2008 prepares to grade higher education progress on a variety of fronts, most states' efforts to gauge academic outcomes have stalled, writes Peter Ewell.

Votes of No Confidence

(Happily, this isn't a concrete issue for me now. This just falls under "I've always wondered…") What are the rules...

AASHE2008 - Monday, November 10

It doesn't make sense. Fourteen hours of mostly sitting around shouldn't leave me more tired (and certainly more stiff) than...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Knitting

One of the things I do when I'm not teaching or preparing for class, not grading or cooking or working...

College at 16?

An alert reader sent me a link to this story about New Hampshire. Apparently, the Granite State is considering funneling...

Higher Education in the Age of Obama

Academics may need a reality check about what may and may not be possible in the new administration, writes Arthur Levine.