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Harder Than It Looks

An alert reader sent me a link to this story from the Times. It's a quick-and-dirty overview of non-credit job...

Motherhood After Tenure: Advice to an ABD

One of my best friends has been struggling for the last ten years to finish her dissertation. She’s brilliant, has...

PhDs and ABCs: Science Fair

My daughter came home from school with a slick science fair booklet last Friday along with a homework assignment to...

Relocation, Relocation, Relocation

A new book reflects on the writer as migrant. Scott McLemee tracks it down.

Ask the Administrator: Time to Step Down?

A department chair at a SLAC writes: I have served two [three-year] terms as department chair, and no one has...

Research in the eating lab

There's been a thread recently on the Green Schools List about the impacts experienced by colleges and universities which have...

The Illusion of Race-Blind Admissions

Many critiques of affirmative action fail to understand how decisions are actually made, writes Julie Vultaggio.

Mothering at Mid-Career: The Balance Thing, again

A colleague, rushing out the door, popped her head into my office briefly. "You don't happen to have any secret...