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A Book Waiting to Be Written

If not for my day job, I'd take a crack at writing a book with the following topic: How to...

Career Coach: One Reader's Reaction

A scientist/reader writes.... I urge you to show a bit more flexibility in your advice on the career/family bit. If...

One Reader's Reaction

(Also appears in Mama PhD) A scientist/reader writes.... I urge you to show a bit more flexibility in your advice...

Creature comforts; dealing with dinosaurs

Last summer, executives at three of Japan's largest banks decreed that all their offices would be cooled only to 82...

ABCs and Ph.D.s: Changes in attitude -- a personal history

When I was 17, I wrote an essay entitled “Why I do not want to have children.” My seemingly prescient...

The Forgotten Virtue of Gratitude

John Fea offers a reminder of why academics should be thankful for the professional lives they lead.

Attention Must Be Paid

A new book considers how the brain responds to information overload. Scott McLemee thinks it's more than a distraction.

Turkey: A Love Story

Actually, the title of the book I’ve been reading this week is The Turkey : An American Story (University of...