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A new book explores the art of the public grovel. Scott McLemee takes notes.

Ask the Administrator: When the President is Tone-Deaf...

A regular correspondent writes: Out here in California, my CC is in the same budget mess as everyone else. But...

Parallel, but in reverse

No, I'm not thinking about backing up to parallel park (do drivers know how to do that any more?), although...

The Dean's Court

TB and I played basketball on the driveway/court this past weekend. He's involved in a local kids' instructional league, where...

A Champion for Those Who Need Help Most

As Harvard honors Sen. Edward Kennedy for his contributions to the nation, Wick Sloane, whose community college students depend on the financial aid he has fought for, is there.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Climbing the Lattice

A recent article in the New York Times suggests that rather than career ladders, we should be thinking of career...

A new sheriff in town

One of the most frequent topics when sustainability wonks get together, in person or online, is "greenwashing". Greenwashing -- the...

Follow the Leader

Carolyn Foster Segal is less than impressed with the promise of her college and many others to teach "leadership."