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Motherhood After Tenure: Mama and Papa PhDs

Last week I was a part of a panel in a colleague’s course on family values. The panel, “Mama and...

Healing ourselves

The sustainability crisis, the economic crisis, the fact that the US Chamber of Commerce (among other bad actors) is trying...

ABCs and PhDs: Vintage glass

It’s that time of year again when the boxes of Christmas decorations come out of storage and for a few...

Canadian Universities Are Way Ahead of Us On This

It’s high time to visit our good friends over at The World’s Fair, a Seed Media science blog, who have...

Rediscovering Hubert Harrison

Eighty years ago, a prominent black intellectual disappeared from the historical record. Scott McLemee talks to the man who rescued him from oblivion. With a podcast.

A Mixed Marriage

I'm increasingly convinced that there are two ways of watching television, and that The Wife and I are firmly planted...

Required reading for reptiles, realists, reformers and radicals

As the title implies, this is reading for everybody. I don't care whether you're concerned about issues of sustainability, national...

College vs. Employment

Memo to President-elect Obama: History shows that expanding access to higher education is a smart investment during economic downturns, writes John Aubrey Douglass.