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Guilt as a motivating force

Elizabeth Coffman posted a nice discussion on the guilt(s) associated with bicoastal marriages involving children. The "mommy guilt" and also...

The Economic Collapse and Educational Values

Ralph Hexter sees similarities between the reward structures of the business world and the college world -- and thinks academics should offer a different model.

Long Distance Mom: Carbon Guilt

Inside Higher Ed has done a good job with publicizing the humor and pain surrounding long distance couples and their...

Ask the Administrator: Go or Stay?

A new correspondent writes: I am a graduate student at a state school with a pretty decent reputation. Although I'm...

Fear of faculty

The various tasks that fall to me as Greenback U's sustainability administrator bring me into contact with an increasingly broad...

ABCs and PhD's: Balance or merge?

When I started my new part-time research job at the university early this fall, they got me a new computer...

Becoming Susan Sontag

An author's diaries are where the will to write is forged. Scott McLemee sneaks a guilty peek.

Edifice Complex

Enough with the freakin' buildings, already. Apparently, the American Council on Education (along with some other groups) is wasting no...