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Thoughts on Boxing Day

I'm not sure when or why December 26 became Boxing Day but it always has been, at least in my...

Godfrey Wishes You A Good Holiday Season

Do you know the great children’s album The Bottle Let Me Down? Get it, even if you don’t have kids...

Stop Using Rhetoric to Teach Writing

It's time to question an increasingly popular way to organize a key part of undergraduate education, writes Joseph Kugelmass.


A recent "Grand Avenue" cartoon shows a grandmother and two kids standing in front of a store window. One kid...

Hey, RIAA and MPAA, Time to Shift Gears

Entertainment companies should stop policing illegal downloading by college students, Joseph Storch argues, and head to the new frontier: the mobile device as all-purpose media-access machine.

A Call for a Higher Education Summit

Arthur Levine writes that colleges could easily miss an opportunity offered by the presidential transition, but that the right kind of conclave could make this a constructive moment for tackling key issues.

Ask the Administrator: What Makes a Good Job Talk?

A new correspondent writes: I wonder if you'd consider posting a query to your readers about job talk expectations at...

A longer story than that

I recently started getting daily environmental digests from ScienceDaily. Each newsletter has more items in it than I have time...