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Local Food and Fiction

The indomitable Professor Cohen writes in response to my most recent post about creative nonfiction and food: Okay, so I'm...

Barack Obama and the International Education Bowl

Rather than fret about a college football playoff, the president-elect should worry about universities' relative priorities for sports and academics, write Tom Palaima and Nathan Tublitz.

Ask the Administrator: The Book or the Grant?

A new correspondent in a humanistic discipline writes: I'm now three semesters into a permanent position at a lower-mid-range research...

Math Geek Mom: How to Li[v]e with Statistics

There is a commercial for some over the counter medicine that talks about “Dr. Mom.” Already being “Dr. Mom”, in...

Conservation or efficiency?

I was in the dentist's office, waiting to get my teeth cleaned. The remarkable thing about this situation was that...

Budget Crises, Academic Change: A Fable

Our fable begins with the recognition that everyone is in favor of change, that magic word for all of higher...

An Open Letter to Graduate Students of English and Foreign Languages

It's time to consider jobs at community colleges, which differ in many ways from research universities, but have much to offer an aspiring academic, writes Sean P. Murphy.

Long Distance Mom: Job Hunting? Considering a Commute?

Well, it is interviewing time and, for many of us, it means that we have moved beyond the phone interview...