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Mothering at Mid-Career: Working the System

There’s a block of time on my calendar this morning marked “work at home or behind closed doors: grade” and...

Counting (on) chickens

Like every other college and university in the country -- probably the world -- Greenback is pinching pennies. Hard. Discretionary...

Wrongs Must Be Writed!

I'm away from school working on my thesis at another institution. I noticed the other day that there was a letter to the editor in the local newspaper where some guy was mis-paraphrasing the Pope mis-quoting the recent Benotti et al. pharmaceuticals in drinking water study to say that the Pill is giving all men girl cooties and destroying society and should be banned immediately, by his Highly Scientific Viewpoint. So I wrote a replying letter to the editor, politely, with inline references and just a little snark, to refute it line by line. I was shooting for the tone used in LTEs in Nature or Science. My letter was never published, and today there's another missive of anti-choice wingnuttery from the same person, a week later. Apparently our local editor has granted this person's oppinions pride of place on the editorial pages. I would be slightly less freaked out if this wasn't the local rag for a town dominated by a major research institution-we're supposed to be scientifically minded here.

Career Coach: Wrongs Must Be Writed!

Wrongs Must Be Writed! I'm away from school working on my thesis at another institution. I noticed the other day...

The Scholarship of Administration

Some of the toughest questions in higher education would benefit from true experiments -- complete with control groups -- writes Alexandra W. Logue.


More so than at any time in my memory, this downturn has brought plenty of discussion of furloughs as a...

Taking stock

It's now a year since I started this series of miscellaneous ramblings. At such times the mind reflects, and may...

The Pleasures of a Friday

I continue today to be educated in new ways to freeze to death in a Victorian house. Though the thermostat...