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The Assessment Impasse

To bury the debates about whether to measure student learning, higher education -- and the new education secretary -- should do the hard work of figuring out the higher skills that students should have, writes Merilee Griffin.

Man Bites Dog

My cc has been getting an unusual amount of local press attention lately. The press attention has been largely positive...

ABCs and PhDs: Little Hackers

It’s something every parent has experienced … the mournful cries of a sick child in the middle of the night...

The Mind on Fire

Ralph Waldo Emerson ... writing instructor? Scott McLemee signs up for a workshop with the sage of Concord.

The Boy's Letter to President Obama

The Boy wrote a letter to President Obama in class, and brought it home today. In its entirety: Dear Mr...

Pretty v. Ugly at the University

Bernard Madoff is a classic Mafia-style gangster. He comes from gangsters - his mother was a crook. Investigators are looking...

An Occupational Program We Can't Sell

In a passing conversation a while back with a colleague who routinely works with local employers, I heard that the...

The Flaws of Facebook

The social network site ignores the care with which academics need to calibrate the mix of private and professional in their lives, writes Alex Golub.