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Interdisciplinarity and Risk Aversion

I will be graduating from a smaller campus of a Big 10 University this May with a degree in Interdisciplinary Humanities. I have some definite concerns as I enter into the job market, being especially considerate of our economic situation right now. From the time that I began grad school two years ago, I knew that I wanted to teach.I will happily take a job anywhere I can get one! My first concern is that my degree is actually in Humanities, even though I concentrated in English Lit and Rhet/Comp. ( I have 6 credits of Rhet/Comp Theory and 15 in Lit, along with some theory classes and the typical research methods/thesis writing courses). I know I will be applying to many different schools, from community colleges to state universities and smaller liberal arts colleges. Do I tailor my CV, and for that matter, my cover letter to fit in with each "type" of school? How do I emphasize my competence in the Rhet Comp/English Lit area, especially since I have no real teaching experience?

ABCs and PhD's: The gentler side of Darwin

I’ve been planning a birthday party this week with my daughter. Her birthday is Feb. 13, sandwiched right in between...

The Holy Earth

Liberty Hyde Bailey was part Al Gore, part Indiana Jones. Scott McLemee looks into the revival...


We're starting to use the R word in a really serious way. Even with reducing the number of deans, we...

Using Quaker Principles to Budget in Tough Times

Although not a member of the faith, Kent John Chabotar finds the role of silence and respect for minority opinions to be relevant in navigating college finances during the worldwide economic crisis.

Mothering at Mid-Career: My New Role Model

I’m wondering if I should make Jill Biden my role model. It’s too late, of course, but I’m impressed by...

Blog Post-Its

Netbooks strike me as some of the best news for community colleges in a long time. In many cases, all...

The best idea yet for improving campus recycling

As the economy has gone into the crapper, so has the market for most recyclable materials. It just doesn't pay...