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Math Geek Mom: Risky Parenting

Today I taught about Bay’s Theorem and Bayesian Statistics in my Advanced Statistics class. As I was lecturing, I talked...

Four, Going on Thirty

The Girl is four, with big innocent eyes and a smile that could melt the Grinch. She also has juuust...

Balloons, bathtubs and (fill in the blank)

While we're on the subject of visual presentation of information, I just want to point out that part of the...

An Essay in War, Literature

A longish essay I wrote last year has appeared in the twentieth-anniversary issue of the terrific literary journal War, Literature...

Dancing With Kate Smith

Rob Weir offers advice on how to prepare a syllabus.

The End Is Near

Carolyn F. Segal considers why so many pundits predict the demise of so many things.

Motherhood After Tenure: My Sabbatical Adventure

Last week I responded to one of those time-wasting Facebook memes that asked me to describe my life using only...

New York Times Misses Point: In Related Story, Sun Rises in East

Several alert readers sent me links to this story in the New York Times. The headline -- “In Tough Times...