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Lessons of 33 Years as a President

As he prepares to lead his fifth campus, Richard S. Meyers consider the rules -- for chief executives, faculties and others -- that promote presidential success.

Members Only

All the dark secrets of university life are known to insiders who subscribe to AcademoList. Scott McLemee reports, you decide...

Encouraging Political Incorrectness and Civility

Paul Lyons considers how to encourage undergraduates to talk about sensitive issues, including race, without fear of offending liberal dogma but showing respect for all.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Why travel?

I often wonder if the academic conference is going the way of the dinosaurs. They are expensive, after all, and...

Ask the Administrator: ERP!

A new correspondent writes: I am currently on the administrative market. I've had one interview, and this topic did not...

When You Don't Want to Teach That Course

Dear Survival Guide: My chair just asked me to teach a course I've never taught, and which I think is...

We Need a New Kind of Institutional Aid

Congress needs to create a program that rewards colleges and universities that educate disadvantaged students, write Charles B. Reed and F. King Alexander.

A Sonnet for Nicholas Hughes

Each suicide writes a new life storyWith obvious portents like something out of Dreiser Or like the junior high school...