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Print or Byte?

Won't digital publishing destroy the old-fashioned book? Scott McLemee reads up on "the hidden revolution"....

AACC Wrapup: A Discussion That Didn't Happen

Despite lower attendance, this year's AACC conference occasioned some wonderful conversations about all manner of topics, both officially and unofficially...

History We Can't Afford to Repeat

For the 11th time since World War II, boom has turned to bust in our economy. Recession brings change in...

AACC Dispatch, Day Two: Danger Ahead!

I'm one of those people who reads the conference program, picks out the panels in advance, then changes the itinerary...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Time Management

My sixth-grade son Nick recently had to write a “reflection” piece after finishing a sixth-grade math project. It began with...

When stability becomes stasis

I was speaking recently with the dean of faculty at a small US polytechnic. Toward the end of the conversation...

AACC Dispatch, Day One

Reader, I attended five panels on Sunday, so you don't have to. You're welcome. A few highlights: Kay McClenney's panel...

Collaborating and Co-Authoring

Joint authorship is a helpful way for young scholars to get started in publishing -- and Philip Howard describes the steps to take to ensure a successful start.