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Education and Health Care: Connecting the Dots

An alert reader sent me a link to this post (and presentation) by Peter Orszag, Director of the Office of...

Career Coach: Figuring Out the Right Questions

Hello, I found you online when you responded to a student's concerns about leaving her academic schoolwork (you posed 8...

Could You Lend Us a Hand?

It's time for higher ed to get serious about working with high schools, writes Scott Mendelsberg.

Managing Large Writing Projects

The keys, writes John Gastil, are having a sense of purpose and dividing up the work into parts you can manage.

Math Geek Mom: The Demon Degree

When I was in graduate school, it seemed that everyone’s dissertation was more interesting than my own. Of course, this...

LEEDs and needs

At every campus sustainability conference -- pretty much in every campus sustainability conversation -- the term "LEED" comes up. LEED...

Reframing the Accountability Debate

Linda Adler-Kassner and Susanmarie Harrington call for a focus on visibility and responsibility -- and write that a shift in language would place the emphasis on teaching and learning.

University Quagmires

The last couple of years have brought reportage (see here and here, for instance) on scholars becoming involved with activities...