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Green it now

(Arguably, the title should be "Green IT now", but I prefer not to shout.) Anyways, a number of interesting bits...

Defending Collegiality

Colleges should state as policy that professors should treat each other with some degree of courtesy and professionalism, writes Michael Fischer.

Motherhood After Tenure: listening to black "mama, PhDs"

Last week I had the honor of speaking on behalf of Mama, PhD at the Arkansas Council for Women in...

The Inbox Police

As I've gotten older, and more aware of the unintended consequences of things, I've become pickier in selecting acts of...

What Catherine Gass Knows

Today I have the pleasure of posting an interview with Catherine Gass , who’s been the Photographer at the Newberry...

The Monster at Our Door

It's a stew of man, bird, and pig -- and Mike Davis warned about it four years ago. Scott McLemee catches up.


Rob Weir offers tips on interactive lecturing.

... than to curse the darkness

It's almost May, which means that the classes are winding up, and the students are winding down, and the faculty...