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Appeals and Do-Overs

For reasons too sensitive to blog about, I've recently had occasion to revisit the idea of grade appeals. From this...

Will Financial Crisis Starve Academic Innovation?

The recession and resulting budget cuts endanger key university and state efforts that promote economic growth, writes Roger L. Geiger.

What You'll Be Asked

In my first essay, I discussed general guidelines for preparing for interviews for faculty jobs at community colleges. Now I...

Zombie Hunting

The popular press has been filled lately with references to zombie banks or zombie corporations, undead entities kept on life...

Career Coach: Getting Unstuck

Hello, I found you online when you responded to a student's concerns about leaving her academic schoolwork (you posed 8...


In tangential response to an earlier post, a correspondent -- keep those e-cards and e-letters coming to g (dot) rendell...

The Cycles of Biography

The more biographies I read, the more I sense the difficulties of the form. Many are patchy, uneven; the herky-jerk...

Regulating the Bookstore

Congress's new attention to textbook issues, through the Higher Education Act, will bring transparency, some new technology, and new challenges to campus stores and those responsible for them, Kenneth C. Green writes.