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Long Distance Mom: Teen Hormones and Mother's Day

My daughter and I almost made it through Mother’s Day without screaming at each other. Unfortunately, as I was driving...

C into U doeth go

There are two trends sweeping society which bother me no end. One is for otherwise estimable publications (I've counted six...

Communication Breakdown

Mobile technology changes the way we interact. Scott McLemee looks into the sociology of the cell phone.
Man (in color) with magnifying glass surrounding him and stars near his hands stands out among group of people (in black and white) holding briefcases

How Candidates Can Stand Out (in a Good Way)

Susan Resneck Pierce recounts how people can lose shots at presidencies and other positions, and how to avoid those pitfalls.

Career Week

TB came home today excited to invite me to speak to his class for career week. I'm not exactly sure...

In Sickness and in Health

Provosts and chief financial officers may have different jobs, but they have to work together like a married couple, presenters at NACUBO say.

To Lend or Not to Lend?

The "no loans" policies adopted by wealthy colleges may have fostered the dangerous belief that borrowing for college is somehow wrong, writes Brian Rosenberg.

Guest Post: Ben Cohen

Today my old chum Ben Cohen helps us read the signs right in front of us. Ben is an environmental...