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Motherhood After Tenure: professors and money

I love Suze Orman; I can’t help it. Like her counterpart, Doctor Ruth, Orman speaks frankly about a charged topic...

The Platinum Rule

Twice in the last month, I've been in meetings at which somebody suggested that the solution to some ongoing dilemma...

ABC's and Ph.D.'s: Back to Elementary School

When my older daughter started elementary school, I asked about helping out occasionally in her classroom and I was politely...

When the Boss is Awful

In response to yesterday's post, several commenters asked variations on "well, okay, but what if the dean is a jackass...

Creating a Research Agenda

Graduate students need to make strategic decisions about courses, professors and opportunities, write Justin Reedy and Madhavi Murty.

Cartoon Conservatism

Is "Little Orphan Annie" the key to understanding Obama-phobia? Scott McLemee interviews a scholar in the field of comics studies.

Widow X Waits for You

It’s easy to feel an exhilaration verging on hysteria at the start of a big research project; you don’t even...

Issues of scale

To attend a commencement last weekend, I had to travel overnight. Two related observations stick in my mind, although I...