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What's the Matter with Rory?

My acquaintance Rory has a Ph.D. in American literature and is an administrator and a poet of sorts himself. At...

The Mistakes to Avoid

Many colleges make similar errors in economic downturns -- and they can't afford to do so now, writes Kent John Chabotar.

Confronting Salary Inequity

C.K. Gunsalus offers advice to a senior faculty member who finds herself with excellent evaluations -- and a lower salary than her male colleagues.

Math Geek Mom : A Mother Lion Does Statistics

When I entered graduate school, I once proudly proclaimed to someone I had just met that “I don’t want to...

Assessing Professional Development

Most colleges set aside at least some 'professional development' money for faculty and staff. The idea behind it is that...

Waxman-Markey Secrets Revealed!

Is it the road map to a brave new world? The end of Western civilization as we know it? Both...

Apples and Oranges on Student Loans

Andrew Gillen supports the goals of President Obama's proposal to end the guaranteed student loan program, but challenges the budget math behind the administration's promises.

Teaching and Sorting

Via Cold Spring Shops, I ran across this quote from conservative commentator David Frum: Why are the wages of the...