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Sometimes It Actually Works

Like Tolstoy's unhappy families, every bad meeting is bad in its own particular way. Some elements of lousy meetings are...

Helping Those With the Greatest Need

Federal policy needs to change to support our capacity to serve low-income, minority students, write Marybeth Gasman and Gary Rhoades.

Long Distance Mom: Kansas, Post-Disaster

3 disasters connected to Kansas I’ve watched happen recently: 1. What’s the Matter with Kansas? The murder of Dr. George...

Analyze This

'The Sopranos' left viewers with an aporia they couldn't refuse. Scott McLemee looks beyond the irony.

The Literature Review

Nancy Rivenburgh writes that graduate students should consider its purpose before organizing and writing a crucial part of research papers.

Novel Available for Preorder

Yes, friends, the time draws nigh. My novel will release in mere days and is now available for preorder at...

Grade Inflation, Employee Edition

This time of year brings with it the annual flood of program reviews, employee evaluations, and end-of-year wrap-ups. (Between the...


A story on NPR this morning spoke of how, while it's going downhill slower than the financial or manufacturing sectors...