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The New 'A

Here’s a ray of hope to restore prestige and morale to our beleaguered flagship state universities: let’s have “A&M” stand...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Finishing, Starting

It’s that time of year—lots of things winding down, a few more starting. It’s been a month since my school...

The World Won't End in 2012

We're pretty sure it'll be fiscal year 2011. This article struck a chord, since I've been hearing the exact same...


So if cities need to get citier and the country needs to get countrier, what does that mean for campuses...

The Kindle Factor

Charles Crowell reviews his own experience using readers in courses -- and sees both financial and pedagogical benefits.

Can You Afford to Adjunct?

A long-time adjunct warns against assuming non-tenure-track work is your best option -- and some advice if you head in that direction anyway.

Salaries - Public or Private (or both)?

The indefatigable Lesboprof has a thoughtful post up about whether salaries should be public information. She makes several great points...

Career Coach: THE NEW DARRIN

When I was growing up, practically everyone I knew watched a TV show called “Bewitched,” about a beautiful young witch...