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Career Coach: Never Getting the Offer

I am a 55-year-old woman with a Ph.D. in economic history, 6 books and quite a few scholarly articles on...

Ask the Administrator: Picking Winners

A new correspondent writes: With all this talk about green jobs and the more than usual uncertainty about the shape...

Leaves and Expectations

C.K. Gunsalus considers what to do in a department where some consider time away from teaching duties to be a privilege and others consider it a right.

Less Research, More Economies of Scale

That's Joseph T. Johnson's prescription for how to contain undergraduate tuition -- and "rationalize the classroom" -- at public universities.

Come Together, Right Now

I know why I know so little, but why is it so difficult for you scientists to know things definitively...

Math Geek Mom: It's Summer!!

You may have heard the comment that the “three best things about teaching are June, July and August”. Those of...

The other classes on campus

The series title "Town & Country" put me in mind of something I hadn't thought about for years. When I...

Motherhood After Tenure: other mothers

Although I became a mother late in life, two girls have been teaching me about parenting for the past several...