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An Unmarked Car

Many years ago, in one of those gender theory seminars, I remember a remark to the effect that men have...

Serving in This Secular Church

Overemphasis on numbers undermines the search for “middle sized” truths that higher education, at its spiritual best, pursues, writes Robert B. Young.

Delicate Cutters

Okay, I’m a little late to this one, but there’s a nifty exchange between Notorious Ph.D. and Historiann about the...

Mothering at Mid-Career: What Keeps You Organized?

We leave for a six-week stay in England next Monday. In between now and then I have to finish my...

Trusting the Amateurs

Job interviewers often avoid asking questions about candidates' areas of expertise out of fear of “discriminating.” What’s wrong with discrimination? asks Mikita Brottman.

Sotomayor and Our Future

While the Supreme Court nomination is significant for discussions of race and higher education, Sarita E. Brown writes that much of the rhetoric is overstated.

Novel Release and Giveaways

First, I’d like to offer Mrs. Churm felicitations: Nine years ago today, I knelt on the steel deck of the...


Last week was a three-hanky special. The Girl had two graduations: one from her gymnastics class, and one from her...