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Quick Update

Thanks to all who entered my big funky "Southern Illinois Rocks" raffle. Congratulations to winners Satch, Hoa, Stacey, Sue, Eva...

Trading Spaces

With enrollment through the roof, any fallow space on campus is at a premium. Suddenly, spaces that have been kept...

SCUP-44: Wrap-up ramblings

Based on the expertise inherent in my observation of Portland over a 3-day period (and most of that confined to...

SCUP-44: Wednesday mid-day

OK, the main conference sessions are over, there are some local tours going on this afternoon. A few thoughts on...

ABC's and PhD's: Let's keep up the chatter and navel-gazing

I found the recent Wall Street Journal article about family-work balance blogs surprising. After all, in my own family my...

The Plug-In Syllabus

Whatever happened to educational television? Scott McLemee revisits his alma mater.

An Adjunct Loses a Course

A chair isn't being clear on why a section was offered and taken back. C.K. Gunsalus analyzes the options.