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Math Geek Mom: What Shall We Call Ourselves?

I guess we made the “big time” when this blog was criticized by the Wall Street Journal a few weeks...

When the Coach Said 'Faggot'

I came across the story of University of Hawaii football coach Greg McMackin’s bad behavior a little late, which in...

Suing the Alma Mater

Several alert readers sent me links to this story, about a new graduate who is suing her alma mater (of...

ABC's and Ph.D.'s: Wheels on the bus

With summer vacation comes a flurry of activities to keep children occupied. We’re blessed in our community with all kinds...

Follow the money

I've been thinking some about structural barriers to change. You know, those aspects of how Greenback's organized, or how it...

What Search Consultants Do

Responding to a question from an earlier column, Susan Resneck Pierce explains the process.

Midsummer Miscellany

Scott McLemee looks at four recent university press titles that almost slipped under the radar.

Ask the Administrator: The Financial Panopticon

A new correspondent writes: I recently applied and received an offer for a full time faculty position at the cc...